This was an earnest book about forging your own path no matter your circumstances. A reflection on some healthy lessons and virtues I was lucky to get from my own parents, grounded by the author’s personal triumphs and mistakes.
I don’t know that I got any groundbreaking or deeply challenging takeaways from this, but it was an upbeat, encouraging read. It also offered a glimpse of life in the Buffett family—yes, that one—even though that wasn’t the primary focus of the book.
I highlighted a lot of nuggets of wisdom around self-reflection, humility, intention, and commitment. Example:
There’s a subtle distinction, I believe, between being capable of doing something and being truly prepared to do it.
I also stumbled upon a sentiment I stole from someone long ago and hold dear:
It is a central belief of mine that people are more alike than different.
This one’s a particularly useful reflection in 2022. I feel like there’s no shortage of pressure to pick a mob and scream at some “others.” The more difficult and worthwhile challenge is to find myself or my own motivations in the person or group I struggle to relate to. Because we’re all more alike than we’re different.
And I needed to read this. We don’t need to get into why:
Commitment moves the world. It both powers and heals us; it’s fuel and medicine together. It’s the antidote to regret, to apathy, to lack of self-belief. Commitment batters down closed doors and levels bumpy roads. Commitment begets confidence and also justifies confidence. Commitment enlarges our efforts by drawing on those deep-down resources that lie fallow until we determine to discover them and use them.